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Power is energy used intentionally: Ignite the South Cohort 2nd Kick-Off Retreat in New Orleans

The 2nd cohort of Ignite the South convened for their first retreat in New Orleans, LA on October 11-13 to learn, reflect, and conspire together.

This leadership development program for emerging leaders from social justice organizations based in the US South includes 3 in-person retreats, individual coaching sessions, and an online learning program. During this first retreat, participants explored leadership concepts, went on a walking tour of African Life in the French Quarter,, and reflected on their own wellness as they continue to lead change in their communities. Ignite the South is thoughtfully facilitated by a key partner of Open Horizon- Imagine Us.

Courtney Wright, the Director of Operations and Program Innovation at Open Horizon, had the opportunity to spend some time with the cohort and was inspired by the commitment each leader had to their organization and communities. It was evident that the investment in these leaders will have an impact much greater than one could grasp in that moment. Learning about the insurmountable challenges these leaders face as they navigate continued oppression and systems not structured for equity and liberation of all affirmed our investment in these leaders. These leaders continue to show up and work on behalf of marginalized groups to create a world we all deserve to live in.

After learning that the US South receives less than 3% of philanthropic dollars, Open Horizon made a commitment to intentionally invest in the region. The idea of investing in a region where political or other ideology may not align with one’s own has limited opportunities for leaders, like those participating in Ignite the South, from receiving the resources and support needed to uplift marginalized voices and communities, allowing for expanded opportunities and growth. As we continue to explore our own commitment to the south, we encourage others to do the same. We have seen through our engagement with Ignite the South participants that an investment in their leadership is an investment in their community which will lead to positive change for all.

By Courtney Wright

Laura SweetPower is energy used intentionally: Ignite the South Cohort 2nd Kick-Off Retreat in New Orleans

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